Geeks In SuitsMusic Video Team

Our specialised team dedicated solely to Vevo videos!

Healthy TensionTwo bosses are better than one!

They love each other. Hate losing. Fight like dogs. Snuggle like cats.

Coffee & CodingTechnical Support

The privileged pair with exclusive access to the radiation rooms. Make great mochas too.

Being ThereClient Service Team

They work the most because they have no life outside work. It’s not the other way round.

Much AppreciatedCommunity Management

By far the fastest-moving and most energy-sapping job in the agency. Believe it.

Your NavigatorsStrategy & S.E.O.

Don’t ask them a question unless you’ve got Wikipedia ready and an hour to spare.

Our Ethos

As per our motto at the top of this page, the V.V.i ethos is centred about collaboration, initiation, innovation and dedication. The results and loyal service we deliver both emanate from the standards we expect from and reinforce in each other.

We are a “no-seniority” company, as evidenced by the fact that our Leadership Team is also a part of our Customer Service Team!

Your Service

Promptitude, Professionalism, Positivity

Firstly, the customer service you will experience from us will be fast. We get back to our customers as quickly and as helpfully as we possibly can, as outlined by our foremost Pride Principle – Promptitude. We are available 24 hours a day and aim to respond to all enquiries within 4 working hours in your local time zone.

As a music video promotion company, we are passionate and knowledgeable in the areas of viral marketing, music production and public relations. All of us are trained and educated to deliver the level of Professionalism you expect from a personal service organisation that is being trusted with your online media properties.

Thirdly, we embrace and foster a deep-seated culture of Positivity which means you’ll enjoy an encouraging attitude at all times as a client.

It’s who we already were as individuals, before we applied to work with this company.

youtube music video promotion

Music Video Promotion Packages

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